Step into the mind of Seth Jennemann, where masterpieces transcend mere mortal comprehension. Marvel at the profound sophistication of Seth’s creations, so sophisticated that even he himself struggles to explain them. If you find yourself lost in the intricate depths of genius, fear not; it's a common side effect of inferior intellect. Bask in the radiance of artistic superiority, for here, art is not created for the masses – it is created to remind you of your insignificance.

Seth Jennemann Portrait Fine Art Drawing - Dark End of the Street - Chinese Asian Woman Drawing
Seth Jennemann Portrait Fine Art Drawing - Pyotr - Peter The Great Drawing
Pay What You Want Neon Art Seth Jennemann - Still Falling

Check out the "Pay What You Want" section to make a submission and pay what you want for an original drawing by Seth.

Pay What You Want

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Brace yourself for the impending tidal wave of Seth Jennemann's unmatched brilliance. Acquiring a mere fragment of Seth's art isn't just a purchase; it's a transcendent experience that will undoubtedly elevate you to the echelons of refined taste and sophistication. It is akin to owning a PhD in brilliance, a doctorate in artistic wizardry, and a Nobel Prize in redefining your understanding of genius.

Yes, because gazing upon Seth's art is undoubtedly an enlightening experience that will make you question your entire existence, or at least your taste in art. You're not just buying art; you're making a statement, a statement that declares, "I am not just an art aficionado; I am a beacon of unparalleled cultural enlightenment."

Owning a piece of Seth's work is like possessing a golden ticket to the exclusive club of the aesthetically gifted. It's not for the faint-hearted or those who lack a discerning eye. No, this is reserved for the elite few who understand that true opulence is not just about wealth but also about surrounding oneself with material things that say, "I am better than you."

So go ahead, indulge in the audacity of acquiring a Seth Jennemann masterpiece. Because, in the grand tapestry of life, there are those who merely exist, and then there are those who possess Seth's art, a tangible manifestation of artistic snobbery that separates the true connoisseurs from the aesthetic plebeians. After all, why settle for mediocrity when you can bask in the glorious radiance of Seth's self-proclaimed genius?
About Seth
Seth Jennemann drawing I dont feel and i feel great in neon on artwork


"The pinnacle of artistic insignificance."

- Seth's Mom

"Having modelled for Mr. Jennemann, I could only describe his genius as transcendent and his touch as sensual."

- Paul W.

"A true testament to the art world's bottomless pit of desperation."

- Elizabeth J.

"A status symbol that separates the cultured connoisseurs from the common rabble."

- Seth Jennemann

Seth Jennemann Arrow with Heart Logo SVG
Seth Jennemann Arrow with Heart Logo SVG
Seth Jennemann Arrow with Heart Logo SVG
Seth Jennemann Arrow with Heart Logo SVG
Seth Jennemann Arrow with Heart Logo SVG
Seth Jennemann Arrow with Heart Logo SVG
Seth Jennemann Arrow with Heart Logo SVG
Seth Jennemann Arrow with Heart Logo SVG
Seth Jennemann Arrow with Heart Logo SVG
Seth Jennemann Arrow with Heart Logo SVG